Sunday, January 20, 2008

Piethorne Valley

Date of Walk : Sunday 20th.January 2008

Route : Shaw - Crompton Moor - Rooden Reservoir - Piethorne Reservoir - Ogden Reservoir - Crompton Moor - Shaw

Distance : 9.2 miles

I had just had enough of this weather and decided I was walking whatever the weather. It was rather murky earlier on but considering the forecast it wasn't a bad day although extremely damp. It's a walk I've done before although never with such rain and damp ground. It also allowed me to continue testing the G9 and I had a couple of attempts at using the video. Hopefully this can become more of a feature especially if we eventually get some better weather.

Rather murky conditions on the route over Crompton Moor.

This is the footpath!!

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