Monday, September 03, 2007

Helm Crag

Date of Walk : Wednesday 22 August

Distance : 6.9 miles

Beth had often observed the top of Helm Crag when we passed through Grasmere by car and so I had suggested one day we went up. Having also seen the walk on TV a few days before going to the Lakes also had her asking to walk up there again. We did the walk setting off from just before White Moss Common. I ended up parked in a layby rather than using my National Trust membership as both car parks were full.

Looking at the top of Helm Crag from Grasmere village.

Contrary to rumours, my recent car problems weren't caused by ignoring this sign!!

I think someone is enjoying herself.

A rare picture of yours truly.

Flickr Album - Helm Crag - 22 Aug 2007

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