Route : Shaw - Crompton Moor - Rooden Reservoir - Piethorne Reservoir - Windy Hill - Blackstone Edge - Ogden Reservoir - Shaw
Distance : 17.2 miles
It's not often I get out on a Saturday but with the weather, the football was postponed, and the forecast for Sunday was rain. Also, the ground was covered in white stuff so I had to get out. The route started exactly the same as my last walk through the Piethorne valley. However, I ventured off up Windy Hill towards Summit (top of the M62) and then over the top of Blackstone Edge. I only took pictures and videos up to the summit as I was running late due to a lift I had promised my father in law, so the last 4-5 miles were almost at running pace. Well at least quicker than my usual pace anyway.
Crompton Moor
The view from the top of Crompton Moor
Looking down on the village of Denshaw
The route to Summit. After all the recent rain, the only route without getting your feet soaked was to walk up the banking on the right hand side!
Looking towards Blackstone Edge
Flickr Album - Blackstone Edge - 2 Feb 2008
YouTube - Blackstone Edge - 2 Feb 2008
The view from the top of Crompton Moor
Looking down on the village of Denshaw
The route to Summit. After all the recent rain, the only route without getting your feet soaked was to walk up the banking on the right hand side!
Looking towards Blackstone Edge
Flickr Album - Blackstone Edge - 2 Feb 2008
YouTube - Blackstone Edge - 2 Feb 2008