Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ouch that hurts!!

Wessenden Moor

Date of walk : Sunday 4th.February

Distance : 7 miles

At last a wind free day in this neck of the woods and the sun was shining, so what could go wrong I thought. Why?? I set off across a fairly treacherous route heading to pick up the Pennine Way. This meant a trek of about a couple of miles across some pretty slippery mounds but I thought my previously problematic left ankle could cause problems so I decided caution was necessary and to take my time. I was within about half a mile of picking up the Pennine Way when disaster struck but not my left ankle but the other one. I slipped and the ground gave way as this time my RIGHT ankle twisted but the pain that ensued at first made me wonder if I had broken it. Anyway I decided I was going to get back to the car somehow but I didn't think the treacherous route I had just covered was the best route so decided to head for the Pennine Way and complete the walk I had planned. This would mean a walk of about 4-5 miles on a knackered ankle but I thought that was better than slipping again and breaking it. Was I wise? Who knows. All in all it was still a pleasant walk but the last couple of miles did result in rather a lot of pain. I finally got back to the car and once I got my boots off the ankle seemed to swell a little but I decided to drive home and have a bath and stick some ice on it. However, when I got my socks off the ankle looked so swollen that I decided to brave the local A&E. Luckily it was only a very bad twist but I have decided I need to give it time for a rest but hopefully I will be back on the peaks in about a month. The shame is I was heading for the Lakes next week. I will still go as I had promised Beth but I'm afraid there will be no peak bagging.

The reservoir in the distance marks where I will pick the Pennine Way up.

Wessenden Reservoir in the distance.

The river near Blakeley Reservoir.

Wessenden Reservoir

I had to slide down this hill on my backside due to my ankle injury!

Wessenden Head Reservoir & Wessenden Reservoir (in the distance)

The route with the red flag for the ankle injury!!

Flickr Album - Wessenden Moor - Feb 2007

Friday, February 02, 2007

Black Hill (or should it be Bleak Hill)

Date of walk : Sunday 28th.January

Distance : 9.5 miles

The weather was reasonable and the forecast was for slight drizzle so on arriving at Crowden I decided to head up to Black Hill and to double back. (Well that was the theory but more of that later!) It looked a little murky up on the tops but people I met coming down from Black Hill said that it wasn't too bad up on the tops.

However, as on my previous walk I seemed to meet people coming towards me. Is there something they know that I don't? The path I followed was part of the Pennine Way and headed through Rake Rocks and Laddow Rocks. As I kept climbing up I was a little unsure about the weather as it got windier and windier but looking back down to Crowden the vision seemed fine. However, as I moved further up towards Black Hill the weather took a turn for the worse and the wind was howling and the rain became torrential.

It was so windy that I felt like I was going to lose my hat but the howling wind made me use my hood as well. The brooks were pretty full and in places one just had to walk through them and in a couple of places the level did slip over my laces. The view up at Soldier's Lump (top of Black Hill) was well not a view at all. I reckon you could see about 10-15 metres at times and for a bit I missed the path as I was supposed to double back and head back down toward Crowden.

However, eventually I located the route but I was so soaked by this point that I just kept on going and made my way back to the car. The pictures are only on the way up as I didn't want to test the waterproof ability of my camera. At least I got out but maybe I should have turned back. As I write (Friday evening) my boots are still damp but they should be OK for another pounding on Sunday.

This is as long as I chase off my cold. It was flu earlier in January but getting a soaking brought all my ailments back again. Anyway the forecast looks good so far so the fresh air will blow all the bugs away before heading back to that place thay pays my mortgage on Monday.

Flickr Album - Black Hill - January 2007

Blackstone Edge - dry but very windy

Date of walk : Sunday 14th.January

Distance : 8.5 miles

Really needed a walk and the weather for mid January was pretty wonderful. Set off mid morning from nearby Hollingworth Lake (near Rochdale) and headed out via the Visitor's centre through some rather muddy fields. The walk takes you through a rather picturesque golf course but this wasn't too dangerous a task as there were only a couple of golfers around. In fact, the fallen tree was more of a hazard but for some reason I didn't bother with a picture.

Once through the golf course, I headed onto an old Roman road which takes you out towards the M62. To be honest I think I missed a path here and ended out adding about half a mile on!! This meant I had to cut across the moors a little and pick up the path.

Once up on the tops it was extremely windy and it was one of those days where you had to find shelter even for a brew. There were plenty of walkers about on the ridge and the wind even blew me over at one point and I am about 16 stone and 6 feet tall!! Most people I met seemed to be walking in the opposite direction to me and as I was walking into a strong headwind they seemed to have made the correct decision even if I hadn't.

Eventually the route meets the main road to Halifax at 'The White House'. (No, not that one!) The route then meanders back to Hollingworth Lake. This was a worthy walk which certainly got a few cobwebs out of my system.

Flickr Album - Blackstone Edge - January 2007

Diggle Round

Date of Walk : Saturday 6th.January

Distance : 3 miles

The weather was absolutely shocking so didn't set off until after dinner. Even then, we (me and my Dad this time - Beth didn't fancy attempting drowning) sat in the car park for 30 mins waiting for the rain to ease. In view of the conditions I decided not to take the camera and this was probably a wise decision as the only shots I could have taken would have been torrential rain and mist!

I'm Still Alive!!!

Not posted anything recently due to a combination of :

  • too much work - I know it's a pain but I can't find a way yet of getting paid for walking!!
  • a dose of flu (not man flu!!) that wiped at least one weekend out in January
  • couldn't get on the computer for the kids
Will try and keep up to date from now on. Honest folks!!

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